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Bandi, in scadenza il bando sull’e-commerce in Lombardia

Un programma di contributi a fondo perduto per PMI che investono in e-commerce. In particolare, potranno accedere alle agevolazioni le imprese di micro, piccola e media dimensione, iscritte al Registro Imprese sul territorio lombardo. Ogni azienda può presentare una sola domanda. Sono finanziati i progetti di e-commerce che prevedono l’accesso a piattaforme cross border (B2B e/o B/C) e i sistemi di e-commerce proprietari (siti e/o app mobile). Le soluzioni proposte dovranno prevedere una delle seguenti finalità: digitale come integrazione del negozio fisico, sviluppo di nuove soluzioni logistiche, approccio omnicanale, social e-commerce, adeguamento smartphone. Le domande di agevolazione dovranno essere trasmesse esclusivamente attraverso lo sportello telematico il 27 maggio alle ore 14.00. Bando e modulistica sono scaricabili dal sito di Unioncamere Lombardia. I contributi saranno assegnati con procedura valutativa a sportello, secondo l’ordine cronologico di presentazione delle domande. E' consigliabile presentare domande appena la procedura informatica lo permette.

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The ECB Podcast – Financial stability in a ChatGPT world
European Central Bank

The ECB Podcast – Financial stability in a ChatGPT world

What does the rapid advance of AI mean for our financial system? And how is financial stability affected by geopolitical risk? Our host Stefania Secola puts these questions to expert John Fell in The ECB Podcast’s regular look at financial stability in the euro area. The views expressed are those of the speakers and not necessarily those of the European Central Bank. Published on 17 May 2024 and recorded on 10 May 2024. In this episode: 01:01 – How stable is our financial system right now? Our latest financial stability assessment is more positive, but just how resilient is our financial system to shocks? 04:56 – What concerns does geopolitical risk raise? How can geopolitical risk affect markets, banks and non-banks like investment funds, and what can financial institutions do to manage it? 09:55 – How can AI help the financial system? Artificial intelligence offers promising ways to improve efficiency, customer service and risk management. 13:32 – Can AI be a source of systemic risk? Widespread use of AI tools and reliance on a small number of suppliers could lead to financial stability risks. 19:13 – Our guest’s hot tip Financial stability expert John Fell shares his hot tip with our listeners. Further reading: Financial Stability Review, May 2024 Turbulent times: geopolitical risk and its impact on euro area financial stability (special feature A) The rise of artificial intelligence: benefits and risks for financial stability (special feature B) The ECB Podcast: When the yin meets the yang: resilience in gloomy times, December 2023 European Central Bank
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