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Risanamento e ristrutturazione amministrativa e finanziaria dei condomini

INTERVENGONO dott. GIORDANO IVAN Presidente Organismo di Mediazione ICAF, direttore scientifico AIReC, tesoriere e membro del consiglio direttivo Osservatorio sull'Uso dei Sistemi ADR


Mediatore Civile ICAF, Giurista e Tributarista


Avvocato del foro di Milano

STASERA, martedì 24 ottobre 2017 - ore 20:25


mercoledì ore 14:30 venerdì ore 17:00

e sabato ore 20:00


CANALE 216 del digitale terrestre della Lombardia (SEI LA TV)


La puntata di stasera è la trentunesima di un ciclo di puntate

dedicate alla gestione delle controversie,

con particolare attenzione alla mediazione civile, contabilità, revisione e amministrazione condominiale.

Ogni puntata andrà in onda in tv il MARTEDI' - ORE 20:25

(replica mercoledì ore 14:30 venerdì ore 17:00

e sabato ore 20:00)

e potrà essere vista anche in streaming.

Si ringraziano Oscar Albricci, Ivan Giordano e tutti coloro che hanno contribuito

e reso possibile la realizzazione di questo ambizioso progetto.

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The ECB Podcast – The power of inflation expectations
European Central Bank

The ECB Podcast – The power of inflation expectations

What are inflation expectations? How do our personal experiences shape them? And why do they matter to central banks? In this episode of The ECB Podcast, our host Stefania Secola and researchers Geoff Kenny and Dimitris Georgarakos discuss how people form expectations about inflation and how we measure them. The views expressed are those of the speakers and not necessarily those of the European Central Bank. Published on 26 April 2024 and recorded on 19 April 2024. In this episode: 01:35 – Inflation expectations What are inflation expectations, and why do they matter for central banks? How do people form such expectations? 9:25 – The impact on prices Can inflation expectations shape the prices we end up paying? How might personal perceptions influence wages? 11:30 – Measuring inflation expectations Why is it important to measure inflation expectations, and how do we do it at the ECB? What were the findings of our latest survey? 16:38 – The role of the ECB What can the ECB do to inform people’s inflation expectations? And what role can communication play in this? 21:15 – Our guests’ hot tips ECB researchers Geoff Kenny and Dimitris Georgarakos share their hot tips and some final thoughts with our listeners. ECB Consumer Expectations Survey Working Paper: Tell me something I don’t already know: learning in low and high-inflation settings, March 2024 Research Bulletin: Recent changes in consumers’ medium-term inflation expectations – a detailed look, February 2023 Economic Bulletin issue 3/2024: Trust in the ECB – insights from the Consumer Expectations Survey, April 2024 European Central Bank
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